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Momentum: We can’t stop now – TimesOfMalta

"To make this vision a reality, we need passionate, talented volunteers to help amplify our message of hope, especially through the power of social media. We call on young people and those not so young to step forward and join…

Momentum: time to act and move forward – MaltaToday

"Momentum signifies action, the conscious choice to engage, to participate, and to shape the destiny of our nation, rather than passively accepting the status quo. At the heart of Momentum are a set of core principles, deeply rooted in our…
Mark Camilleri Gambin addressing the media during Friday's launch. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Party Launch Press Coverage

MaltaToday:[WATCH] Cassola’s Momentum Party launches, open to future coalitions The Independent: Arnold Cassola’s new centrist party ‘Momentum’ launched TimesOfMalta: Cassola's new party Momentum officially launched TVM: Jitnieda l-partit politiku Momentum Newsbook: ‘Momentum’ – Jitnieda l-partit ġdid ta’ Arnold Cassola LovinMalta:…

Cassola confirms party intentions – MaltaToday

"With polls indicating that 8% of the electorate intend to vote for third parties – currently split between ADPD and others – Arnold Cassola, the former Green Party chairperson and independent election candidate, is actively laying the groundwork for a…