"It is an undeniable fact based on concrete data. Grech was elected as leader of the PN in October 2000, succeeding the quite colourful Adrian Delia’s short-term leadership. Eight months later, in June 2021, an opinion poll published by MaltaToday…
"Two of the main pillars of the newly formed political party Momentum are good governance and transparency, Sumaya Ben Saad, a 25-year-old executive member of the party told The Malta Independent on Sunday."
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"On 24th January, Momentum wrote to the Standards Commissioner to take action against Robert Abela and the whole cabinet for not having declared their 2023 assets to parliament"
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"This significant portion of the population is sending a clear message: they no longer trust the duopoly of PN and PL, and they are no longer willing to choose the lesser evil. Despite this growing sentiment, the political establishment continues…
"Momentum is Malta’s newest political party with a view to occupy the centre ground. The party’s secretary general, Mark Camilleri Gambin, sits down with Karl Azzopardi to discuss the party’s work, Arnold Cassola’s larger-than-life stature and a free vote on…
"Il-Partit Momentum konna ilna narawh jaħdem minn wara l-kwinti, minkejja li isem kien għad ma kellux. Kienet din il-gazzetta li żvelat il-pjan li Arnold Cassola qed jiġbor miegħu nies li jaħsbuha bħalu, u jtihom l-opportunità jagħmlu dak li ħassew li…
"Do people realise that, in the past 25 years Maltese single party governments have been characterised by regular instability? Putting aside all the scaremongers’ rhetoric, do we realise that, in the past 25 years, four governments, I repeat, four, did…
"One of them called Momentum has Arnold Cassola at the helm, a well-known politician in Malta who at one point led AD before later contesting as an independent candidate. Cassola has been very vocal on rule of law issues over…
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